EXECUTIVE SUMMARY One of the major impediments to controlling the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is the difficulty in tracing their origin and movement within and across states. Developing effective mechanisms for marking and tracing weapons can help curb their proliferation by identifying; the sources, trade patterns, and points where weaponsEvaluation of the Progress in Arms Marking and Electronic Record-keeping Across all RECSA Member States
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A notable achievement since the formation of RECSA is the establishment of the requisite institutional framework for the implementation of the Nairobi Protocol namely the Secretariat and the National Focal Points in all the 12 Member States. In addition, Development of Best Practices Guidelines on stockpile management; import, export, transfer and transit ofRegional Implementation Strategy Of the Nairobi Protocol July 2009 – June 2014
The Regional Centre on Small Arms & Light Weapons (RECSA) is an intergovernmental organization with its headquarters in Nairobi. RECSA is seeking to engage a competent HR consultant or consulting firm to review the current staff manual. The Terms of Reference are attached for interested applicants. Submission Details: Interested applicants are invited to submit theirConsultancy Opportunity: Review of Agreement Establishing RECSA
Avant-propos La menace de la prolifération des armes légères et de petit calibre (ALPC) illicites dans la region RECSA des Grands Lacs et de la Corne de l’Afrique ainsi que dans les Etats limitrophes, a persisté pendant plus de deux décennies malgré les efforts conjugués déployés par les Etats membres et les parties prenantes régionalesLignes directrices pour la création et le fonctionnement des institutions nationales chargées de la gestion et du contrôle des armes légères et de petit calibre
In a colourful event held in Nairobi on April 22, 2024, Mr. Jean Pierre Betindji was officially inaugurated as the Executive Secretary of the Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons (RECSA). Addressing a distinguished audience including key government and international stakeholders, Mr. Betindji expressed his profound gratitude and outlined his ambitious agenda forNew Leadership, Renewed Commitment: Mr. Jean Pierre Betindji Outlines Vision as RECSA’s New Executive Secretary